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1828 entries.
BlueCat277 wrote on December 1, 2011 at 12:37 AM
Mr. L.
Have you ever met any famous authors/other people(Besides yourself)? Are you related to any one famous(Ditto)? Two of my Grandma's 2nd cousins were presidents!

Cheers! BlueCat277
P.S. If there was no Janus branch what would you choose to be?
Admin Reply:
Wow, related to two presidents!  That’s pretty impressive.  My grandparents all came over from Greece, so no relations to presidents here, but who knows, maybe Alexander the Great was in my family line.  At least I can dream it!  I do know quite a few authors and actors, as those are the two lines of work I’ve been involved in.  Naturally I’m friends with all the 39 CLUES authors, but plenty of others, such as R. L. Stine, Tony Abbott, Marc Brown, Meg Cabot, David Lubar, Bruce Coville, Tamora Pierce, etc., etc.  Once I even took a tap dancing class with Judy Blume.  Many of the authors live in other cities, so I don’t see them very often, but it’s always fun when we meet at events.  You’ve given me an idea for a page on my website — links to the websites of all my illustrious author pals.  I will try to do that sometime soon.
If I weren’t a Janus, I think I’d choose to be an Ekat.
Brooks wrote on November 30, 2011 at 9:06 PM
Peter can you please give me the answer when you know!

Admin Reply:
Okay, Brooks, here’s your answer: you really are on to something.  Very impressive!
Chasity wrote on November 30, 2011 at 5:04 PM
Hello Peter, Its me again! I'm sorry, I guess what I said wasn't all that clear. I wasn't referring to the examples you gave me, but in THE SWORD THIEF after the explosion In the rock when they meet up with Nellie she says Gods name in vain. I noticed all the Lucian, Madrigal and Ekaterina authors did not say Gods name in vain, while all the Janus authors did. Example for Gordon Korman's THE MEDUSA PLOT. 'Ian Kabra rolled up his window. "My God what's that smell?"' Chapter 24. In Rick Riordan's story of VESPERS RISING,
My God, Damien thought. It’s true. Also in the Black Book of Buried Secrets when someone (forgot who, and I don't currently have that book with me) realized that the Tomas agents were from online, that person said God's name in vain.

P.S. Why is there no Tomas Authors?
Admin Reply:
Ah, okay, many thanks for this followup to our last exchange.  Funny about the authors’ Cahill family traits.  I never realized that.  We all came on board the hunt before knowing which branch we belonged to, so it’s only by chance that there have been no Tomas authors so far.  We have a couple of new authors on the horizon for Books 4 and 6, so it’ll be interesting to see!
RaNdOm PeRsOn wrote on November 29, 2011 at 10:47 PM
Wazzup Homie?
Got three words for ya'll: You.are.awesome.

Some questions I needed answered:

1. Did Damien Vesper have any descendants? I don't think so...
2. Any tips for a being a good author?
3. Does the Dead of Night have any codes on the front, 'cuz i ain't no see nothin'.

Peace Out!
~*Ana Sasin*~
P.S. ^^^ Say that in one word. Yea my name is cool.
Admin Reply:
One word back atcha: thanks.  Also:

I don’t think so either.
Read like crazy, all the time.  Try to figure out how the best authors do it, by studying how they choose their words, how they build tension and create characters, and what they leave out.  And (most of all) practice, practice, practice.  The only way you get to be good at anything is to do it a LOT.
Brooks wrote on November 29, 2011 at 12:56 AM
Mr.lerangis I noticed on the 1st medusa plot card there was an elaborate design that look kinda like a puzzle piece that could fit with other cards to make a picture or clue to the ring. Am I on to something or just a crazy idea?

Admin Reply:
You got me, Brooks.  I haven’t looked!  Sorry ...
Brooks wrote on November 28, 2011 at 12:27 AM
I know your an excellent but busy author but can you at least look at my 4th vesper vs cahills book idea?

Amy, Dan and Nellie are off to the harsh, freezing actic. They are not just in the cold, their with cold-blooded enemies. They will have to find this Frozen clue to the ring. They will discover something they never though they would see... the secret vesper stronghold! Watch out because tensions and relationships are heating up. It might melt the ice...

Tell me your thoughts please!
Admin Reply:
This is very clever, Brooks!  I believe Book 4 has already been written (or at least an early draft), but this is truly an inspired idea.
Cecily wrote on November 27, 2011 at 8:39 PM
Dear Mr. Lerangis,

For your 39 CLUES series, what's it like to be working with so many other authors on an already-created story arc? Seeing as most professional writing I know of is solely the creation of one author and completely from their mind, I haven't the foggiest what this would be like. Is is cumbersome or more of a helpful and fun process?



P.S. Waiting for the next 39 CLUES books...
Admin Reply:
Hello, Cecily.  It’s fun.  I like not having the responsibility of an entire series with books published every three months — an impossible pace for one person!  Also, as a young writer I began by ghost-writing in many different series, such as THE HARDY BOYS.  (More info here and also on the right-hand side of this page, under the title “PL by Any Other Name.”)  So I’m used to absorbing a series style and adapting my own to fit.  Another thing to keep in mind is that when Scholastic sought out its team of 39 CLUES authors, they tooks pains to choose writers whose styles were similar to begin with.  We’re also good friends, so the whole process is about as smooth as it can be!
Lesley Meek wrote on November 27, 2011 at 8:33 PM
I would like to know if you like this it's a story I made up and I called it Lily vs Ian and I have done this all by myself and I have done a profile thing at start. I would just like to know how good this is from a authors point of view

[Link to story [pl-popup content="" title="" width="1000" height="640"]here[/pl-popup].]
Admin Reply:
I think it’s hilarious, Lesley!  Poor Ian ...
Sydne Jackson wrote on November 27, 2011 at 5:17 PM
Hi Peter! I am a fan of your books. Are the Rapid Fire short stories available on the iPod Touch? If so, how much does each book cost?Thanks!

From your fellow Janus.
Sydne Jackson- Cahill
P.S. Cahill is just my pen name. What is your pen name?
Admin Reply:
Hello, Sydne … or should I say, Cahill!  The stories are available for any e-reader, tablet, smartphone, or computer, so you can read them through an app on your iPod Touch.  Each one costs 99 cents.  As for pen names, yes, I’ve used quite a few of them.  In fact, the right side of this page is devoted to explaining some of them (it’s called “PL by Any Other Name”).  Hope you enjoy reading it!
BlueCat277 wrote on November 27, 2011 at 3:14 PM
What is your favorite book? Which is your fav in the 39 clues series? Do you like the hunger games?
Cheers BlueCat277
Admin Reply:
Hello, BlueCat 277!  Well, my favorite color is blue.  No, wait, you said favorite book!  Hmmm, my head is a jumble on that one.  Nope, can’t pick a fave because there are just too many over the 117 years I’ve been reading (OK, less than that, but it feels that way).  My fave in the 39 CLUES series?  Why, THE DEAD OF NIGHT, of course!  And yes, I like the HUNGER GAMES very much.
Chris wrote on November 27, 2011 at 6:11 AM
Hi it's me again. Another rumour I have heard is that The Dead of Night will be about 9 pages longer than Into the Gauntlet. Is this true? I think that would be awesome!!
Admin Reply:
Hello, Chris!  You’re right, that is a rumor ...
Mary-Grace wrote on November 27, 2011 at 1:32 AM
Hi, Mr. Lerangis!

I was wondering, if Gideon Cahill nearly died from the serum's effects, and would have died from that had he not died in the Cahill fire, then if Dan takes the serum will he die too? Or have the Madrigals perfected that specific problem?

Thank you so much!

Admin Reply:
Hi, Mary-Grace!  That is an excellent and very astute question.  No, the Madrigals have not perfected it, so there is a potential grave danger for Dan, and this is one of the great perils in the adventure of CAHILLS VS. VESPERS!
Sam Nightshade wrote on November 26, 2011 at 4:13 PM
Hi, Mr. Lerangis! I'm a huge fan of The 39 Clues, and I'm wondering... will any other books in the series be set in the East? I'm just really curious, because I live in Manila (Philippines)... and I can't wait for the next books...

I just remembered... Rapid Fire starts a month after my birthday... and on Christmas day 😀
Admin Reply:
Hello, Sam!  Well, although I can’t provide any spoilers for future books, I can say we’re all very appreciative of our amazing fans in the Philippines!  Thanks for writing.
Natasha wrote on November 26, 2011 at 6:33 AM
Hi Peter! I honestly can't wait for A King's Ransom to go out! Oh and I also can't wait for the Rapid Fire e-Books. Actually, the first book is going to be published on my birthday! 😀 So I was wondering who actually wrote these: you and the other writers or who? Oh and I can't wait for more books involving the Cahills! One more random fact: Jude Watson's In Too Deep's venue is where I'm from! (Jakarta) much love from Cahills here!
Admin Reply:
Hello, Natasha!  Sounds like the Rapidfire books will be a great birthday present!  My sources tell me they have been written by Clifford Riley.  All best to you and the Cahills in Jakarta, a pivotal place in the 39 CLUES story!
Nexus Prime wrote on November 26, 2011 at 1:35 AM
I'm out of ideas for posts too! I was away for Thanksgiving! Please help me Peter!

Admin Reply:
I’m afraid you got me there.  A bit too stuffed with turkey to think of any clever suggestions.  You’re on your own, Kevin.  I know you can do it!
Eli wrote on November 25, 2011 at 9:44 PM
Okay.. Since I have to wait to find out, I will wait... While I can. Good thing its only... 10-11 days till King Ransom 😀 then I can busy myself with reading it and then waiting for DEAD OF THE NIGHT. Oh! And I just read wtf and I love it! 😀
Random fact: the 20th death day if Freddie Mercury ( the Lead vocalist of queen) was on Thanksgiving.
Random: a banana eating cat eats his soup while drinking tea only to throw his kitty litter at Ian xD

Admin Reply:
Thank you, Eli!  Random fact: Ian does not like cats.
Chris wrote on November 25, 2011 at 8:24 PM
So many people on the internet are trying to tell us 39 clues fans that the last three books are called "The pirates treasure," "recovering confidence", and "the mastermind revealed." They sound fake, but are you able to confirm that they are so they can be taken off the internet?

Love your books, looking forward to The Dead of Night
Admin Reply:
Hi, Chris.  Yes, they are fake.  Someone is having a little fun, I think! So glad you enjoy the books.  Only a few more days to A KING’S RANSOM!
Chasity wrote on November 25, 2011 at 6:49 PM
Peter, I'm a huge, and also disappointed fan. I love your work but do not approve in your books the word G-o-d. Being a Christian Cahill I wish I could erase those words so my friend could read the 39 Clues Series. And I know thousands of the books are being printed and that is impossible. So what I ask is that in your further books in this series not not use that word. Could you pass this message to the other authors as well?
P.S. Chasity is just my pen name.

P.P.S. When is the next Tikotok competition? Do you know?
Admin Reply:
Hello!  Thank you for taking the time to communicate your concerns. As writers we certainly do not intend to offend, but we also try to make our characters as real as possible, with characteristics and language patterns that are true to their own backgrounds and to contemporary society.  I wasn’t sure what you were referring to, but I checked VESPERS RISING and saw that in my story Olivia tearfully says to her daughter, Maddie, “And may God go with you always!” and later, at her mother’s funeral, Maddie wishes she could “beg God to return her mother and take her instead.”  Please know these are meant not to be offensive but respectful and truthful to the emotions of the characters.  I know it is never possible to please everyone, but we do listen to all suggestions and try to be as sensitive as possible, so I appreciate your comment and will take it seriously.
As for the Tikatok competition, that is a great question.  I don’t know the answer, but your best bet is to keep checking their website.  I hope I have the opportunity to host the winners again.  So maybe someday we’ll have a chance to meet.  Good luck!
Hope Lily Annbeth Cahill wrote on November 24, 2011 at 10:51 PM
Hello! Oh gods, I was wondering if THE DEAD OF NIGHT could be revealed on the message board. A sneak peek, I mean. PLEASE! Just a short summary?
Admin Reply:
Thanks so much for your interest!  Don’t forget, Book 2 still hasn’t been published yet, so if I give away anything for Book 3, I spoil the surprise for two whole books — and I couldn’t possibly do that to my friend Jude!  One thing I can promise: as soon as I can release anything else, I will post it directly to the Message Board.  In the meanwhile, all I can give you is the official summary:

“The third book in the CAHILLS VS. VESPERS series, the followup to the worldwide bestseller THE 39 CLUES.“The Vespers have crossed a line. Amy and Dan were devastated when the Vespers kidnapped seven Cahills around the world, holding them hostage until Amy and Dan delivered an impossible ransom. But at least the hostages were Cahills — members of the world’s most powerful family, trained to face all odds.“Now the Vespers have gone too far. They’ve kidnapped Atticus, an innocent 11-year-old boy and Dan’s only friend. Now Dan and Amy are in the struggle of their lives. Because if they can’t outwit the Vespers, the unthinkable will happen … Atticus will die.”

Enjoy A KING’S RANSOM — it’s great!  And keep your eyes on the Message Board.
Paradox Dragon wrote on November 24, 2011 at 11:11 AM
Hi Peter! I've ran out of ideas for posts on the 39 clues! Do you have any ideas on what i should post about?


You're number one fan,

Admin Reply:
Two words: Happy Thanksgiving!