Chapter 6. Recently Seen in Public

With more than 160 books under his belt and more than four million copies sold, Peter occasionally manages to break free from 650 650his writing studio. He has become known for his lively, informative school visits before audiences of all sizes and ages, from 290 640Brooklyn to 639 480San Francisco to 640 482Moscow. A strong advocate of literacy and the encouragement of reluctant readers, Peter has participated in programs such as 640 426R.U.S.H. for Literacy with New York Giant star 640 426Justin Tuck and has been the recipient of a National Book Foundation Family Literacy Program author residency. He has also conducted workshops for the Highlights Foundation and the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.

Peter lives in New York City, in a building exactly fifty steps from 800640 Park. His wife, 1000640http://www.tinadevaron.comTina deVaron, is an awesome singer/pianist/ songwriter who has written hit songs and plays regularly at the Carlyle Hotel. Their older son, Nick, is a musician and teacher; and their younger son, Joe, is a student at
1000640 College.