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1828 entries.
Renee! wrote on December 16, 2011 at 2:50 PM
Hey, Mr. Lerangis! Two (decently) quick questions, one important and one not that much:

1. So Vesper 1 has a burn on his arm and Dan got a text from AJT, and we now know that Arthur Josiah Trent's alive and he was rescued by Vespers and he was at one time a Vesper (and may still be) and if he was rescued from a fire, THEN he must have some kind of burn somewhere. So. The question is: IS ARTHUR VESPER ONE? And I know you can't theoretically answer because of "the Vespers" and their gold censor line things, but we can do a code! Include the letter "Y" in your answer, somewhere, if I'm right, include "NO" in you're answer if I'm wrong, and include the combination "TR" if I'm on the right track. If you don't include ANY of those, I'll just assume that you aren't allowed to or refuse to tell.

3. To be blunt, what's with all of these characters? Dan's turning freaky and Amy's super-confident, and then almost none of the other characters have developed much, it seems. Is this intentional, so that y'all can lead to something else, or it it sort of because they're at a time where they need to rely on their instincts, and so character can't grow, or what?

2. WE LOVE BUFFY! Will Buffy, Alistair's dog, obviously, ever be coming back into the series, even in a cameo appearance? Because WE LOVE BUFFY.


P.S. A King's Ransom was fantastic! I know you didn't write it, but I still wanted to share. As usual, it left more questions then answers, but it was still really, really, good.
Admin Reply:
Hi, Renee!
1. So clever!  I love codes.
3. Wait.  Shouldn’t this be 2?  Is that a code also?  Hmmm.  OK, as far as character development, I’m not sure what you mean.  Most of the other characters (Sinead, Jack, Atticus, Evan) are brand-new, so they had nothing in Series 1 to develop from.  Many of the others are now prisoners, so they certainly are developing by being in such a crisis!  Which leaves Ian, who has become much more vulnerable since losing his fortune and becoming a Cahill.  And Saladin.  Come to think of it, Saladin has not developed at all.  And that’s probably for the best.
2.  I’m so glad you wrote this.  You are the first person to write about Buffy.  Buffy is very close to my heart!
And I agree about A KING’S RANSOM.  Jude did an amazing job!
Chris wrote on December 16, 2011 at 7:01 AM
Its just because, part of the centre of the star map is divided into six segments. Moving clockwise, the words "Nato Phonetic Alphabet" "Papa" "Lima" "India" "November" and "Yankee" appear. It turns out the last five words, when compared against the NATO phonetic alphabet, represent their own first letter. Papa is P, Lima is L etc. When you put them together, it forms the word "PLINY." What I was wondering is whether or not it might be important...
Admin Reply:
Very interesting.  Yes, it is important.  But where are you seeing this star map — in one of the books?  On a card?
Eshan Singh wrote on December 16, 2011 at 2:36 AM
Looking at the constellations on The Dead of Night,I find that they combine to make what looks like a satellite. How come a satellite is related to all this mumbo-jumbo of Cahills vs. Vespers?
Admin Reply:
That’s extremely observant!  I just looked at it and I can see exactly what you mean.  To be honest, I haven’t thought of this.  It may be a coincidence.  But I do know the Cahill headquarters in Attleboro makes use of a satellite, so who knows?
A person. Just Joking, Im alien. wrote on December 15, 2011 at 10:23 PM
Hey Peter!.... If that is your name that is...

Just a couple of questions about the 39 clues books:

1. Broderick Wizard wasn't a Cahill until he married Cora right? Then I'm guessing Phoinex Wuzard, hence the last name, is his nephew... if so, then why is he an original Cahill?

2. I don't know if you looked at it or not, but in the cards that came with The Kings Ransom, why is Amy not wearing her Jade green necklace? I thought she was sentamenilly (I know thats spelt wrong) attached to it.

3. Do you have to pay for the Rapid Fire series? Because I don't think my parents would allow to me to buy it...

4. Who's your favourite character?

5. on, many people post stories about the characters love life and stuff. Which couples do you support? I personally only like Amy and Ian.

Here are the couples:
Sinead+Dan (I dont like it because sinead is way older than him)
Sinead+Hamilton (Sinead is older then Hamilton)
Natalie+Dan (I like them fighting....)
Reagan+Dan (Nahhh.. too young)
Amy+Ian (<3 <3 <3)
Amy+Hamilton (Sometimes...)
Amy+Jonah (How does that even work?!)
and much more couples but im running out of time so bye i guess...
Admin Reply:
Hi, there!  I’ve had quite a few messages since you last wrote, so I guess you missed my answer to your earlier question on Dec. 11.  That was where I covered questions 1 and 2.  You’ll have to click through the messages to find it!  As for #3, yes, the stories are 99¢ each.  #4, I like them all for different reasons, but I feel a special fondness for Dan, Amy, Nellie, and Uncle Alistair — and as a writer, I like the Kabras because they’re fun to write.  #5: Since I’m actually in charge of the plot to my own books, the answer would be a spoiler, and you know what happens when I try to do that!
BlueCat277 wrote on December 15, 2011 at 2:30 AM
Mr. L.,
How did the 39 clues get started?
Cheers, BlueCat277
Admin Reply:
Well, it was a dark and stormy night in 2007 …
Actually maybe it was a bright afternoon.  Who knows? I wasn’t there.  But Rick Riordan was, cooking up the amazing storyline with our brilliant editor at Scholastic.  They got so excited about the idea, they were determined to bring out the books with only a three- to four-month gap between them.  But gadzooks, no author could possibly work at that pace, especially not super-busy Rick, so they decided to create the 39 CLUES as a multi-author series.  They called Gordon, Jude, and me, invited us to a closed-door meeting where we had to sign secrecy agreements, revealed the master plan, and asked if we’d like to be involved.  Of course we all said yes.  (Hm, I wonder what would have happened if we said no!)
Logan Cuthbert wrote on December 15, 2011 at 2:03 AM
Dear Peter, I am a 39 clues reader and I just want to ask you a couple of questions.1 Can you try to put the 39 clues rapid fire series in to real books please? Because I don't have really any kind of chance to read them as ebooks because I don't have any kind of ipad or iphone or stuff like that. 2 And are you guys going to make a new series of the 39 clues after the Cahills vs Vespers series? I hope so because if you don't and just leave us hanging like that! But still please answer soon. Thanks! From Logan
Admin Reply:
Hi, Logan!  Many thanks for your questions, but both of them are things that we authors have no control over.  We’re in charge of writing the books, and the publishing company, Scholastic, plans the publication.  If enough fans contact them, maybe they will publish the Rapidfire books as traditional books, and they may also decide to continue the 39 CLUES into another series.  You would have to contact them, and the best way would be to sign up on [pl-popup content="" title="" width="1000" height="640"]the 39 Clues website[/pl-popup] and leave a request on the Cahill Command Message Board.
Chris wrote on December 14, 2011 at 9:38 PM
Is it just a coincidence that the words (nato phonetic alphabet, papa, lima, india, november, and yankee) form the word "pliny" as in pliny the younger on the star map?
Or is it just another exciting coded secret that could be revealed to us in the near future?

By the way I cant believe how into the 39 clues i have become! I started off seeing the 10-book series at Paper Plus and deciding to sample the first book, before eventually buying every single one to date! I'm a puzzle freak and I love card-collecting, so it was brilliant! Its so refreshing having a change of author each book as it keeps it interesting! Dunno if I want March 2013 to come or not because it means we will uncover those last crucial secrets, but it might be the end 🙁

One thing though that puzzles me is how the last book will work... Because lately we find out the corresponding vesper after reading the book. I assume we cant find out v1's identity after reading the final book. It wouldn't work? Do you know how they might get around this or is that a secret too?
Admin Reply:
Hi, Chris!  I’m not sure I understand your first question.  Are those words from some code we’ve created?  If so, I haven’t seen that one yet.  But yes, you have indeed uncovered a historical character who is part of the CAHILLS VS. VESPERS mystery! 
So glad you’ve become such an ardent fan.  I am a puzzle freak too.  In fact, you may be interested in my series SPY X, which is full of puzzles (and they’re even trickier than the ones I use in 39 CLUES!).  My consultant on that series was a friend who runs the great [pl-popup content="" title="" width="1000" height="640"][/pl-popup] site. 
As for the rollout of the Vesper Council of Six, we have a few tricks up our sleeves …
phoebe b. wrote on December 14, 2011 at 9:44 AM
Hi Peter!

I started following your books after I got hooked on the Spy X series while still in 5th grade, and got my brother into the books after I finished them as well. I found them to be very creative, intriguing, as well as interactive with all the codes that Andrew and Evie had to solve. As the 11/11/11 date came up, I found myself hoping that there would be some kind of release of a book that would totally catch everyone off guard and be amazing... and... so sneaky and spy-like.... good stuff of that sort. Even though I was only a kid when I read those, I was really disappointed where it ended, mainly because I couldn't satisfy my appetite for your Spy X books. Thanks for making them! They were definitely my favorite books for the years that I had read them; I remember always waiting for the Scholastic Book catalog to check if anything new had come out... Anyway! Question - by any chance, did you have any plans for Spy X in the future, or are Andrew and Evie dead and gone?
Admin Reply:
Hello, Phoebe!  I did have plans for SPY X, and so did the publisher.  We were planning Books 5 and 6, but suddenly the plans were dropped at the last minute for reasons beyond my control (not totally sure why, but I think it had to do with the economy at the time).  So, sadly, the series remained at 4 books.  But I have been amazed at the groundswell of responses and questions regarding the series lately.  I would love to continue it someday, but at the moment there are no immediate plans.  Thanks for your kind words, and I am delighted you remember the books so well.
Douglas Tay wrote on December 14, 2011 at 6:08 AM
Hi Mr Lerangis,

Thank you for replying to my entry.
Actually, I was referring to the part of which vesper two said that Dan could not be turned but could be turned soon, the a king's ransom. Thanks.
Admin Reply:
Hi, Douglas!  Ah, I see, sorry I missed that reference.  Thanks for clearing it up.
Chris wrote on December 13, 2011 at 6:48 PM
Okay... I'm starting to steer away from the Prussia idea... i am now partly convinced it has something to do with Marcus Claudius Marcellus and the two astronomy-related orbs he looted from archimedes... i dont know about "stale", but it fits the "revolutionary leader", the whole orb thing, and the part where this whole story fits in with stars and space... am i getting somewhere??
Admin Reply:
Well, you were right to steer away from Prussia.
mary wrote on December 13, 2011 at 3:45 PM
Hey its me again just wanted to ask you could you come to my school I tryed the other ways of asking you but they dont work on any computer I use I go to Port St. Joe Jr.- Sr. High school of Flordia but i think it be hard though we got a new Principal and hes not that good if i say hes a Vesper but all well that ends well hope you can come 🙂

love mary
Admin Reply:
Hi, Mary!  Thank you for asking.  Author visits have to be carefully coordinated with the schedule of each school.  The author must be invited by a school official who is in charge of such visits: a teacher, principal, librarian, or PTA person.  To invite me, all the person has to do is click on the “Author Visits” on any page of my website.  That contains all the information necessary.  Hope this helps, and I hope I have the chance to visit your school someday!
Chris wrote on December 13, 2011 at 3:30 AM
Well, congratulations, I am from NZ

As for the 'stale orb,' I got that from the back of AKR

The only prussia/cahill connections i could find were
1) Annie Oakley (Tomas) communicated with the king of Russia when she shot the ash off of his cigarette
2) The amber room (location of book 5 clue) was built in Prussia

Other than that... there isn't anything else out there...
Admin Reply:
Well, Prussia is a different place than Russia, but you may want to consider other alternatives for stale orb too …
Jasper wrote on December 13, 2011 at 2:36 AM
Would just like to inquire a few things.
In the medusa plot, the police had only suspected Amy and Dan to have been the one to have stolen the Caravaggio. But in a king's ransom, they are chased by the interpol though the police had only suspected them. Why is that so?
How long would book 3 be? What would happen to Atticus?
Was Grace a Cahill as well as a guardian and do guardians protect Gideon's ring?
Thank you and have a merry Christmas:)
Admin Reply:
Hi, Jasper!  Interpol is after them for questioning/interrogation.  But Dan and Amy give them the slip, and that evasion just makes Interpol more intent on tracking them down.  Book 3 will be about the same number of pages as all 39 CLUES books.  I know one of the on-line retailers lists the page count as 300+, but that’s a mistake.  What happens to Atticus is a huge part of the plot of THE DEAD OF NIGHT, and I can’t wait for you to read it.  Grace was not a Guardian, but yes, the Guardians do protect the ring.  And merry Christmas to you too!
the39clues girlygirl wrote on December 13, 2011 at 12:48 AM
its me again! just asking (AGAIN!) a few more questions.......

1.will there be a 39 clues series 3!? (other than rapid fire) the39clues books 1-5 what do the sybols mean on a few pages?
3.(related to q 2) in book 6 of series 1 on one page instead of IN TO DEEP on the side it says came! do you know why?
Admin Reply:
Well, then a few more answers! 

I don’t know.  Too early to tell, but I hope so.
It’s not only 1 through 5, but all of the books.  Those are codes, and each book has a different one.  To decode them, I recommend starting with the one in Book 1 and looking very carefully at the WHOLE book in order to find the key.  The codes get trickier as the series progresses, but none of them is too terribly hard once you realize the key. 
I sure do.  And so will you, as you keep your eye on that same spot on ALL the pages.
Chris wrote on December 12, 2011 at 11:21 PM
Hmmm... about this whole "stale orb" thing... would it by any chance have something to do with Vesper One wanting the moon?

Because I remembered reading the term in one of Jeffrey Prussia's works... I then went online and it was there

"Poets simply love it. The stars all bow down. To the great stale orb. Shining on my town. So what's so romantic about the moon?"

Am I on the right track? Because it seems this is the only track you can take?
Admin Reply:
Hello, Chris!  Wow, I didn’t even know that info was public knowledge.  But I am putting on my cap of clairvoyance and guessing you’re writing from New Zealand, so the news has traveled around the world!  Well, I’m delighted to see you’re digging in to the mystery, but I would ask you to consider whether there could possibly be a any connection between a Prussian and a Cahill.
Douglas Tay wrote on December 12, 2011 at 7:37 AM
Hi Mr lerangis,

You write great books! Would just like to ask if Dan would become a Vesper as what Vesper Two wanted or would Dan still be with Amy? Thanks
Admin Reply:
Hi, Douglas!  I think you’re referring to the text message Dan gets from AJT, right?  Well, who do YOU think AJT is, and what does AJT want from Dan?  It’s a huge question, and I’ll be dealing with it in Book 3, so I unfortunately I can’t give away that secret just yet.  Sorry!
Confused Fan wrote on December 11, 2011 at 8:25 PM
Hey Lerangis!
Just a couple of questions.
In the 39 clues: A kings ransom, when you take a look at the card pack with the picture with Amy, why isn't she wearing her Jade green necklace? I thought she was sentimentally attached to it.

Another question: Broderick Wizard wasn't an original cahill until he married Cora, right? So I'm guessing Phoinex Wizard (hence his last name) is his nephew. Then why is he a Cahill ?
Admin Reply:
Dear Confused (or may I call you Fan?) — These are excellent questions, and way over my head!  I confess I haven’t looked at the card and can only assume Amy was caught unawares at the time of the photo.  And as for Phoenix, I recommend that you pass this question on to the administrator of the Cahill Message Boards, who really seems to have his finger on all things Cahill.  And let me know the answer.  It’s a puzzlement.
Benji wrote on December 11, 2011 at 8:05 PM

I have some questions about your new book, Cahills vs. Vespers, The Dead of Night. Please answer as many as you can.

1) Is the star pattern on the telescope somehow related to the plot of the story?

2) Can you give a general area (country, continent, etc.) at where the book will take place?
Admin Reply:
Hello, Benji!  Happy to oblige!  The answers are 1) Yes and 2) No.  (Although if you check out [pl-popup content="" title="" width="1000" height="640"]Jude Watson’s latest post[/pl-popup] on the Cahill Command Message Board, you may pick up a hint as to ONE of the locations …)
Aman wrote on December 11, 2011 at 6:46 PM
Dear Mr.Peter Lerangis,
I have some questions.How long does it take to write a book?How do you write long books?I love to write but I can write a maximum of 4 pages only but when I grow up I will be a doctor and a writer at the same time.Do you love you write and read?I do.Merry Christmas.
Admin Reply:
Hello, Aman!  Sometimes four pages is just right for a story, so don’t worry.  Good stories can be any length.  Books are nothing more than long, complicated stories.  They have many different events, characters, and settings.  Everything must be described so that the reader can picture what it all looks like.  Actions must be clearly written, so there is no confusion.  And it’s necessary to give the characters inner thoughts and dialog.  By the time a writer does all that, the book becomes many, many pages long!  Before I start writiing a book, I write an outline — just a plan that shows what’s going to happen in the book, no dialog, no exciting descriptions.  And even that ends up being 15 or so single-spaced pages.  But I could not have done that when I was young.  I started with stories of just a few pages, too.
I think your goals are wonderful.  There is a great and long tradition of doctor who are writers.  I expect you will achieve your dreams someday, especially if you don’t mind working extremely hard!  Have a merry Christmas too!
Violet Lenora Philips-Cahill wrote on December 11, 2011 at 1:28 PM
Hi Peter! I was thinking, if there was gonna be a Series 3, can I make suggestions? I will tell u the suggestions on the Message Board.
- Violet
Admin Reply:
Hello, Violet!  Sure, all suggestions welcome!  Thanks.